How to go to Chisapani from Kathmandu

Exploring the Scenic Route from Kathmandu to Chisapani

Are you ready for an unforgettable journey from the bustling city of Kathmandu to the tranquil beauty of Chisapani? There are several intriguing ways to reach this picturesque destination, each offering a unique experience for adventurers.

Chisapani on a clear day

For the Avid Bikers: An Off-Road Adventure

For those seeking a thrilling biking adventure, the route from Sundarijal to Chisapani via Dham Dam is a fantastic choice. While this off-road journey offers breathtaking views and an adrenaline rush, it’s essential to note that the road conditions can be challenging, especially during the monsoon season. However, for biking enthusiasts, this rugged terrain provides an exhilarating ride.

Cycling through Nature’s Beauty

Cyclists, too, can embark on a memorable journey to Chisapani by following the same route. Chisapani is often considered a haven for cyclists, offering a mix of scenic beauty and cycling challenges that will delight riders of all levels.

Hiking Enthusiasts: A Trek through the Wilderness

For those who prefer to explore on foot, hiking from Sundarijal is the ideal choice. The journey begins with a roughly 2-hour hike to Mulkharka, a charming village where you can pause for a well-deserved lunch. From Mulkharka, you’ll continue your adventure with a 3-4 hour hike through dense forests.

The hiking trail is well-marked and includes informative signposts to assist trekkers along the way. Keep your eyes peeled, as you may even spot various species of wildlife amidst the lush surroundings. It’s advisable to take necessary precautions and be prepared for a memorable encounter with nature.

The route from Kathmandu to Chisapani offers a range of exciting options, whether you’re a biking enthusiast, cyclist, or hiking aficionado. No matter which path you choose, the journey promises to be an incredible adventure, filled with awe-inspiring vistas and the serenity of nature. So, pack your gear, embrace the wilderness, and get ready for an unforgettable expedition to Chisapani.